Web Design Wordpress
Modern, dynamic websites. Easy to adapt and maintain by the end user. That is what we do! Based on WordPress or traditional static websites.
Users and visitors benefit from the advantages of having a solid database containing all content and a highly customisable presentation layer.
Themes can be adapted to individual needs. The installation can be enhanced with various plugins adding additional features.
Do you want to know more about what and how we do this? Contact us, and we will show you!
Web design wordpress. Modern, dynamic websites. Easy to adapt and maintain by the end user. That is what we do! Based on WordPress or traditional static websites.
Visuals and design: more than a thousand words
Most people think visually. Imagery and visuals are a strong medium to convex messages, but also to analyse problems and show complex topics in an understandable way. Visuals include: pictures, logos, infographics, drawings etc. Doodling and sketching, even during meetings, are a way to focus attention, rather than distract the attention.
Doodling is not a sign of distraction or boredom, but helps the listener or participant to picture what he hears, to onderstaand it. Drawings and sketches helps to make objectives, ideas and concepts clear and to present these to an audience.
An image says more than a thousand words! We are strong believers in visual thinking and visual communication. The most complex problems can be presented and explained using easy to understand graphics and visuals. We design and develop visuals to support communication for presentations, leaflets, print and web.
During a first, free of charge, meeting we will be glad to discuss and show how you will benefit from a cooperation with NB Solutions. Contacting us is easy!! Fill out the contact form and we will call you!
Do you want to learn how we design visuals and which types? Contact us and we will be happy to discuss! Or vist or dedicated site:
Our work:
- Websites – wordpress based
- logos
- infographics
- brochures
- leaflets
- websites and blogs (wordpress based)
- presentations
- visuals for magazines, advertisements and presentations, for print or screen
- Visuals and images support sales and communication.
When designing visuals we aim at the objectives, the target audience, the house style and how the visuals will be used and presented. Initial designs are drawn by hand. In many cases, hand drawn designs and sketches are even more powerful than stylished computer drawn visuals. A hand drawn visual can be developed and constructed step by step. The listener sees the structure and steps when constructing it. This makes the visual even stronger.
Contact us today for a free call to explore how you can benefit from our expertise and knowledge
Let us discuss the latest developments in management, sales, consultancy and visualisation.